Is your child financially fit?

As the cost of living increases, it’s never been more important to put a little bit of money away each month to try and help your child for when they reach adult life.

Junior ISA’s are a tax-free way to save for your children. Like standard Isa’s, Junior Isa’s can be held in cash or stocks and shares, or you can divide the allowance between both.
Child pension. If you're thinking of taking a very long-term approach, you could take out a pension on behalf of your child and pay in regular amounts.
Investments. You can hold investments on behalf of your child in a trust or a designated account. A designated account will be earmarked for your child but will be in your name and treated as your investment.

Hi, I’m Danny Sovitch, owner.
It can never be too early to start saving and thinking of your child’s future. Please give me a call and it will be my pleasure to advise and assist you.

Danny Sovitch

CALL // 0330 103 0799