Mama Bamboo

The Mama Bamboo team are passionate about children, their welfare, their health and their future.

And we are worried: 8 million plastic nappies and 30 million plastic wet wipes are used EVERY DAY in the UK. Not only is this a huge pollutant, but these products are ill-suited for our babies’ delicate skin.

In creating Mama Bamboo, they believe they’ve found the perfect blend of sustainability, performance, and convenience to make your life and your baby's life that much better today and tomorrow.

At the heart of everything they do is your babies’ health and comfort. By using bamboo, they truly believe they’ve found the most natural, luxuriously soft, antibacterial, breathable solution which helps control nappy rash, AND is kinder to Mama Earth.

“Best for baby, best for you and best for Mama Earth too”.

Contact Mama Bamboo

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