Remember learning to feed yourself?  Of course you don't, you were too busy getting spaghetti in your hair. But now you have kids of your own you can see the problem.

The founders of TUMTUM have two little girls wanting to feed themselves by themselves, but they needed the right tools for the job. So they made our own.

A lot of thought goes into their products and how they are used. They struggled getting their daughter to move onto a cup at first, but she loved straws.  Hey presto - a super stable straw cup that converts to an open cup for tooth friendly sipping.  Spare straw included in case of chewing/loss down plug hole.

In 2017 they introduced the multi award winning Tippy Up Cups, with their free flow straws for easy drinking. The nifty weight on the end of the straw allows them to be tipped upside down, as the end of the straw follows the liquid.

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