Future Health Biobank

Are you expecting?

Protect your baby from day one, alongside delayed cord clamping.

Cord blood is a rich source of stem cells unique to your baby. Today, cord blood stem cells are used in over 85 standard medical treatments and this number is growing every year.

What is Cord Blood Banking?

Cord blood banking is the process of collecting, processing and storing these cells for use in potential future medical uses. Currently, cord blood stem cells are being used to manage cancerous blood disorders such as leukaemia, blood conditions like Fanconi anaemia and much more.

Doctors, scientists and industry experts widely believe that cord blood stem cells will play a key role in the future of medicine and may soon provide solutions to improve the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, as well as the ability to develop into entire organs.

Cord blood stem cells are unique to your baby; a 100% HLA match. They also carry a 25% chance of perfectly matching a sibling, so you know that should these cells ever be required there will be no waiting and hoping for a suitable donor, and no fear of the body rejecting them.

There is only one chance to bank your baby’s cord blood stem cells; the day they are born. Get in touch with Future Health today to find out more about the benefits of cord blood banking.

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