Peace Of The Moon

Empowering you to better sleep...

If you're a parent who is feeling exhausted, you've tried everything and you're desperate for better sleep - you're in the right place.

You're also in the right place if you want to make changes to sleep but wish to remain responsive, building on that strong bond and attachment that you have lovingly created.

Peace of the Moon understand exactly how you feel and work closely and compassionately with families - just like yours - to create a bespoke plan that will improve and in most cases, completely resolve sleep problems for good.

Combining their 5+ years of coaching with gentle sleep coaching techniques to create a straightforward,  easy to follow and effective sleep package that helps you to achieve better sleep - the right way.

After all, as parents we face enough challenges - and I believe that sleep deprivation shouldn't be one of them!

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@ peace_of_the_moon